In a Farmer Wants a Wife Australia first, a new farmer will be brought in to replace Farmer Dean, and we hear his farm is gonna be dramatic AF!

ICYMI: after a week and a half of filming, Dean shocked viewers when he decided to leave the show with Teegan, declaring that he’d already found what he’d been looking for.

As reported in episode 380 of the So Dramatic! podcast, Dean’s early departure caused a huge headache for production.

However, this led them to introduce a “whole new ‘intruder’ farm” with a new farmer and a fresh crop of ladies.

Farmer Todd enters the show partway through filming as the intruder farmer,” one insider told So Dramatic!. “He was one of the original eight farmers announced to the public before they culled it down to just five.”

According to the insider, Todd had “less than four weeks to find love” compared to the other farmers, who had six.

“They normally have intruder ladies on each farm, but they’re calling this an ‘intruder farm’ even though it doesn’t impact the other farms.

“This is the big twist this season because it’s never been done before.” And we can’t wait for this epic shake-up!

Insider sheds BTS insight on the Farmer Wants a Wife 2024 intruder farm

According to our source, the ladies on Todd’s farm had already made it through the audition process. However, they were told they didn’t make it on the show because Todd wasn’t in the OG line-up.

“A few months later, casting producers called them and asked if they were still interested because there had been some unexpected changes,” the insider said.

“They were told they would have to be available to go on the show in just two days, so they all had to drop everything. They got no notice whatsoever.”

Todd’s girls then went through the same process as the other ladies, including the speed dates, but it was “more rushed”.

TWO of Farmer Todd’s ladies have interesting connections to Farmer Wants a Wife

The insider also dished that two of Todd’s ladies, Grace and Jacinta, already had connections to Farmer Wants a Wife.

“Grace is cousins with [2023’s Farmer Matt] and lives next door to him and his final pick, Olivia [Benic]. They’re very close,” the source spilled.

“Because of this, she was accused of being coached by Matt and Olivia before going on the show.” Juicy!

Apparently, when the “cameras started rolling”, Grace would “flip a switch and act completely differently”.

“She was a very different person in front of the camera and Todd, compared to when she was not filming and just with the other ladies,” the source added. “She became more happy, positive and nice on-camera.”

One of Todd’s ladies, Grace, is cousins with Farmer Matt and lives next to him and Olivia Benic. Source: Seven

Jacinta, on the other hand, was cast on the show years prior as a female farmer lead!

“Jacinta grew up on a strawberry farm in Perth,” the source explained. “She lives in the city now, but she still rides horses.”

According to our source, Jacinta was accused of going on FWAW “to boost her profile” as she already had a “decent Instagram following” and is sponsored by several brands.

“She was a big source of drama on the farm and ruffled a lot of feathers,” they spilled. And she sounds like our kinda gal! Bring on the drama!

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