Married at First Sight Australia 2022′s Olivia Frazer called out a troll who wrote a slut-shaming comment on her Instagram and honestly, it was pretty iconic.

The 29-year-old responded to her online hater by correcting their spelling after they attempted to insult her by calling her a “hore [sic]”.

“Whore***,” Olivia replied to the slut-shaming troll, pointing out their incorrect spelling.

Olivia Frazer OnlyFans troll Married at first sight australia 2022 slut-shaming
Married at First Sight Australia 2022′s Olivia Frazer called out a troll for slut-shaming her on Instagram. Source: Instagram.

She added: “If you’re going to be rude, don’t be stupid.”

Olivia then shared the comment thread to her Instagram Story with the caption: “Over it today”.

While we’re not sure where the original comment thread came from, many of Olivia’s recent posts have been promoting her OnlyFans account, to mixed (and often problematic) reactions from MAFS fans.

Olivia Frazer Instagram Story slut-shaming troll
The 29-year-old responded to her hater by correcting their spelling. Source: Instagram.

A lot of the hatred towards Olivia came after the controversial reality hit depicted her to be against sex work.

However, her foray into the NSFW platform has proven to be wildly successful.

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