The Bachelor‘s Sam Wood has made a stunning admission — he’s just sold 28 by Sam Wood for a HUMONGOUS $71 million!

Just days after he and wife Snezana Wood welcomed the birth of their third child, Harper Jones, it was announced that Sam had made the sale to Genomics group myDNA.

myDNA, seeks to “empower consumers to unlock the data in their DNA to personalise everyday health decisions.”

In a genius twist, the company shows how a person’s genes affect the way the body responds to food.

In an interview with the Australian Financial Review, Sam called the sale a “game-changer”. He also revealed that what he found “really attractive” was “that extra level of personalisation through genomics.”

What Does the Sale Mean for Sam Wood and 28 by Sam Wood Moving Forward

Sam will remain the face of his business while also becoming an investor, holding a 5% stake in myDNA.

Backed by healthcare entrepreneur Dennis Bastas, it will incorporate genetics and genomic information with the team wanting to be able to offer all subscribers the chance to use the data to enhance their lifestyle.

“It’s for the individuals to help create a unique personalised nutrition and exercise program that takes into account the things that otherwise people hadn’t taken into account,” Dennis told the outlet.

What Is 28 by Sam Wood?

28 by Sam Wood is a comprehensive home workout and weight loss program.

Suitable for all levels of fitness, the program also has customised meal plans. This includes thousands of nutritious AND delicious recipes to choose from. Plus, there is ongoing support from Sam & the team.

And honestly, it works. Just ask the 500k people who have already joined!

28 by sam wood
28 by Sam Wood has over 500k members — amazing! Source:

Congratulations to Sam and his team. This sounds UNREAL!

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