Farmer Wants a Wife Australia 2024 fans have shaded Caitlin after she outed Karli‘s plans to secure post-show influencer collaborations. And isn’t that what they’re ALL there for?

During the May 13 episode, each farmer invited their families over to dine with and interrogate their ladies, before choosing one of them for the final date.

However, Caitlin was SET on ensuring that stage-five clinger Karli was chosen for Farmer Bert‘s final date. So she told his family that Karli was only there for her blue tick.

“I’m not someone who likes drama,” Caitlin started. “But Karli has mentioned to Brooke and I that after this experience, she’s already been in contact with companies to do promotions. So that’s a bit of a red flag in my mind.”

As expected, this rang alarm bells for Bert’s fam. And despite roasting Karli all season, fans weren’t impressed with Caitlin’s bitchy move.

Farmer Wants a Wife fans ROAST Dustin’s family for wanting him to date a woman with no job

Fans also roasted Farmer Dustin‘s family for wanting him to date a woman with NO job.

Fans shaded Farmer Dustin’s family for wanting him to date a lady without a career. Source: Seven

His family stated that their only concerns about midwife Anna were her career goals. On the other hand, they were happy that Belle would gladly end her career to live on the farm. And feminism has well and truly left the chat!

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